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Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest: Get investment-ready

Supporting innovative small to medium-sized businesses to hone their investment propositions and pitching skills.
Woman stading by whiteboard with quote from Pitchfest attendee

In the past two years Innovate UK EDGE supported 113 businesses to become investment-ready as part of the intensive Pitchfest offering. To date a collective £31.73 million in investment has been raised by these companies.

Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest supported high growth, innovation-led businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Over 750 businesses applied to take part in the two-day training on how to create a top-quality pitch deck, present to investors and prepare for an investment round. Each of the 15 regional Pitchfest events ended with a pitch presentation to a panel of investors, with critical feedback.

Pitchfest participants benefited from ongoing one-to-one support from experienced Innovation and Growth Specialists, to help them leverage the investment preparation training. Feedback from participants was 99% positive.

"Excellent, really glad to be part of this having been given the opportunity to take part. Really appreciate it - I think it’s game changing."


“Pitchfest was pivotal to our business. There was a great mixture of encouraging positive feedback and genuine insights for improvement. We added the feedback into a subsequent pitch and won the competition!”

Have a question about Pitchfest?

We are happy to help, but please note that Pitchfest no longer exists as a stand-alone offer but as investment readiness training available to Innovate UK EDGE clients as part of our support for them on their investment journeys. Please contact us to find out more.


“It’s a great experience and I would recommend it to every entrepreneur looking for investment. It provides a wealth of information and a good insight into the investment world.”


Read how Pitchfest helped a robotics firm to raise £1m+ investment.


Mohamed Binesmael Route Konnect

Innovate UK EDGE’s help with messaging has been crucial at our early stage. Engagements with investors and customers have been positive as a result.

Mohamed Binesmael Route Konnect

Innovate UK
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