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We can help your business to grow

If your company is innovation-driven and growing, but you want to take it to the next level, we’re here to help.
Our client looking down

We work together with you at the business end of innovation to maximise your company’s potential, with funded support that is tailored to your needs.

Radhika at Shadow Robot, who is pictured above, recently benefited from working closely with one of our innovation and growth specialists to forge valuable business partnerships, pursue funding and open new markets.

But you will have unique challenges to overcome and opportunities to exploit. To get an idea of how we can support a business at your stage with specialist advice and access to resources, please complete our online questionnaire below.


Shadow Robot quote

Radhika Gudipati Shadow Robot

Our innovative business is on track to scale, thanks to Innovate UK EDGE. It connected us with wider stakeholder networks and opened new markets.

Radhika Gudipati Shadow Robot

Triage campaign tool control

Triage campaign tool

Tell us about you

For example - marketing or raising finance
For example 5%, 10%, 50%

Innovate UK
Innovate UK is the UK’s innovation agency. Learn about how we can help you achieve your innovation goals.